Dr. Kurt Bigler / Bergheimer Preis


The price-award of Dr. Kurt Bigler / Berheimer-Fonds goes to impressive work in the area of Holocaust education. The price gives the nominee honour, a sum of 5’000 Swiss Francs and a work of art of Bettina Rave in memory of Kurt Bigler.


Students of universities and other educational institutions, self-employed persons of pedagogical, psychological and historical disciplines. 

The application process of the award from 2015

Candidates apply by sending their documents electronically (in PDF format) to:

sabina.braendli@phzh.ch and by post to:


Prof. Dr. Sabina Brändli

Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich

Fachbereichsleitung Geschichte/Politische Bildung

Lagerstrasse 2 (LAB J050)

8090 Zürich 

The application should contain the following documentation:

  • Letter of application


Evaluation process (from 2015)

The Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich) deploy a jury consists of specialists.